Can I make a dock
(too old to reply)
2005-09-23 03:19:00 UTC
I made a BIG mistake, I purchased Object Desktop thinking ObjectDock was
part of the package, but I was wrong, and I really don't want to spend
another $20.00, so what I'm wondering is this; Can I make the same sort of
dock with ObjectBar as those in Object Dock? If I can, would someone please
point me to the instructions to do so.

2005-09-25 10:22:32 UTC
Post by Al
I made a BIG mistake, I purchased Object Desktop thinking ObjectDock was
part of the package, but I was wrong, and I really don't want to spend
another $20.00, so what I'm wondering is this; Can I make the same sort of
dock with ObjectBar as those in Object Dock? If I can, would someone please
point me to the instructions to do so.
I would say that, if your wrote a *really nice* letter to the Stardock
folks they'd let you transfer your licence from OB to OD.

Experience (not mine) has shown Stardock to be open to similar actions
in the past...

TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
2005-09-26 12:13:28 UTC
Post by ChrisTH
Post by Al
I made a BIG mistake, I purchased Object Desktop thinking ObjectDock
was part of the package, but I was wrong, and I really don't want to
spend another $20.00, so what I'm wondering is this; Can I make the
same sort of dock with ObjectBar as those in Object Dock? If I can,
would someone please point me to the instructions to do so.
I would say that, if your wrote a *really nice* letter to the Stardock
folks they'd let you transfer your licence from OB to OD.
Experience (not mine) has shown Stardock to be open to similar actions
in the past...
Except he bought Object Desktop, not Object Bar . . . I'm pretty sure OD
can't be split like that.
TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
Vic S
2005-09-26 14:45:16 UTC
Post by TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
Except he bought Object Desktop, not Object Bar . . . I'm pretty sure OD
can't be split like that.
Object Bar has been marketed like CursorXP? As a stand_alone program?
For some reason, I thought it WAS part of Object Desktop. Sheesh, I
need some object-coffee with cream & sugar objects...

TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
2005-09-29 00:16:57 UTC
Post by Vic S
Post by TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
Except he bought Object Desktop, not Object Bar . . . I'm pretty sure
OD can't be split like that.
Object Bar has been marketed like CursorXP? As a stand_alone program?
For some reason, I thought it WAS part of Object Desktop. Sheesh, I
need some object-coffee with cream & sugar objects...
It is available standalone, but that doesn't mean if you buy ODNT you
can then swap the OB that you get as part of ODNT for OD.

We need more distinctive names. Maybe not all starting with O. :-)
TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
2005-09-27 00:04:15 UTC
Post by TheGreenReaper (Laurence Parry)
Post by ChrisTH
Post by Al
I made a BIG mistake, I purchased Object Desktop thinking ObjectDock
was part of the package, but I was wrong, and I really don't want to
spend another $20.00, so what I'm wondering is this; Can I make the
same sort of dock with ObjectBar as those in Object Dock? If I can,
would someone please point me to the instructions to do so.
I would say that, if your wrote a *really nice* letter to the Stardock
folks they'd let you transfer your licence from OB to OD.
Experience (not mine) has shown Stardock to be open to similar actions
in the past...
Except he bought Object Desktop, not Object Bar . . . I'm pretty sure OD
can't be split like that.
I was thinking he might be able to get a (complete) refund of his
ObjDesktop money and buy OD+ out of that. With a bonus that there'll be
some left over!
